Smoke Free Apartments in Jacksonville, FL

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    Smoke Free Apartments in Jacksonville, FL

    Smoke Free Apartments

    For a few years now in Florida, you haven't had to say, "Table for two, non-smoking please." A state-wide ban on smoking in restaurants has been in effect for a while and now, apartment communities are offering prospective tenants the option of smoke free apartments in Jacksonville as well.

    Offering smoke free apartments in Jacksonville is just one more extra perk apartment complexes are looking to offer their tenants in order to improve their health and overall enjoyment of coming home to no more cigarette butts littering the property, no more holding your breath as you pass people in the breezeway smoking outside their door, and no more smoke wafting up into your apartment from the neighbors downstairs! There are many benefits to going smoke free whether it's to maintain a clean dwelling or to maintain clean lungs! Check with your renters insurance policy as well to see if they offer a discount for smoke free apartment establishments as well.

    Children as well as adults exposed to secondhand smoke can encounter serious health issues. For apartment residents, secondhand smoke can be a major concern. It can easily drift in from other apartments and common areas and make its way through doorways, walls, porches, ventilation systems and even through the plumbing and electrical lines. This is why many communities are switching to smoke free apartments in Jacksonville. You no longer have to worry about opening the window to get fresh air, and instead being met with the stench of cigarettes! One of the reasons you live in Jacksonville is to enjoy those crisp, clean breezes coming off the Atlantic Ocean, right?! Who wants that ruined by smoke filling your lungs instead?!

    Cabinets, ceilings and even wall paint can yellow over time from cigarette smoke. But in a smoke free Jacksonville apartment, you will have the peace of mind that the carpet and walls of your apartment haven't absorbed harmful toxins from cigarette smoke from previous renters. And when you're visiting friends go to light up in your home, you can quickly tell them, "Sorry, you can't do that here!" without them feeling like you are judging them.

    If you are a smoker and you have other people living with you, this new search for smoke free apartments in Jacksonville is definitely an added benefit to help you quit smoking for their health as well as yours. Children and adults are very susceptible to secondhand smoke. And this may be just the incentive to help you break the habit: you don't want to say goodbye to the hope of living in your dream apartment in Jacksonville just because you smoke!

    So open those windows, slide open those balcony doors and take a deep breath of Atlantic Ocean air, knowing that all that will meet your nose (and lungs) will be fresh, clean oxygen and not secondhand smoke from your neighbor. Enjoy your smoke free Jacksonville apartment!

    Watch a Video on Smoke Free Apartments from the American Lung Association

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What does it actually mean to live in a "smoke-free" apartment in Jacksonville?

    While policies can differ, there are typically a few different classifications of of smoke-free living in Jacksonville apartments. Some properties prohibit smoking anywhere on the property including common areas, like pools and outdoor picnic spots, as well as in apartments. Likewise, some properties simply prohibit smoking in common areas. Ask your individual apartment community for their specific policies.

    How can I ask my neighbor to stop smoking in our smoke free apartment community in Jacksonville?

    The first rule of thumb is to simply be friendly, open a dialogue, and ask. Mention and gently remind your neighbor about community policies and share your health concerns about second hand smoke exposure. See if you can reach a compromise regarding their smoking location that is still within property policy. You may need to bring the issue to the attention of property management who will propose solutions or help remediate the situation.

    Is my Jacksonville apartment certified smoke free?

    The Florida Apartment Association partners with the Department of Health and Bureau of Tobacco Free Florida have a program to certify apartment communities and implement smoke free policies. You can visit FAA Smoke Free Certified Communitiesto learn more. Or, simple ask a leasing agent or property manager for more information and details on community smoking policies.

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