If you are being stationed in Jacksonville, Florida, you may be wondering whether you should live in furnished or unfurnished military housing. There can be pros and cons to both types of apartments, but it will largely depend on your own circumstances.
The first two things you might want to look at is where you live and your circumstances of serving. If you already live in the state of Florida and have furniture, then you may want to consider looking at unfurnished military housing. The commute wouldn't be too long within the state, and moving your own furniture really wouldn't hurt you.
If you live far away from Jacksonville military housing, you may want to consider selling any furniture you have. Renting a truck in order to move your couch from somewhere like the northeast is going to end up costing you a lot and most likely won't be worth it. Most likely you can just sell your furniture, and save on time and money by choosing to live in furnished military housing instead.
Now, what are your serving circumstances? If you are not going to be in Jacksonville long before you are stationed somewhere else, you might want to live in furnished military housing to make things a bit easier. If you are staying in Jacksonville for a while, or if you want to stay somewhere in Florida after your term ends, then you may want to look into either keeping your own furniture or buying some new pieces for your military housing.
While your current location and the specifics of your serving term should have a heavy influence on whether you are going to live in unfurnished or furnished military housing, there is one more key factor which may be the most important. The key factor is who are you living with?
Having a family, especially with kids, should definitely play a role in the type of military housing you choose to live in. Believe it or not, but furniture can really make a huge difference in determining the feel of a home. When you live in a furnished apartment, nothing that you use is really yours, but rather rented. This is great when you are not home a lot, are moving soon or are living alone.
Your family, though, will most likely be looking at your new military housing as more than a temporary base of operations. They might be looking at it as a home. For some people, having their own furniture is necessary to really have a place that feels like a home.
Items can hold a lot of sentimental value for us, and so can furniture. So if you have kids that may be struggling with the aspect of moving to new military housing in Jacksonville, keeping your furniture regardless of your current location and service may be worth it. Then again, all of this depends on you and your circumstances.
I hope that this article was able to help you put some things in perspective about your big move. If you need any help looking at furnished or unfurnished military in Jacksonville, Florida, make sure to utilize our webpage search engine. Let us help you find the best new home possible for you.