The public transportation system in Jacksonville is one of the best in the state, if not the country. Jacksonville Transportation Authority, or JTA offers transportation in the form of buses, a trolley system, and the Skyway.
JTA offers convenient free park and ride lots around Jacksonville that are served by local buses and express service to Downtown. These lots are open every day, but expect to pay for parking on a game day or special event.
The Skyway is an automated "tram" type system offering low cost service to downtown visitors and employees. The trains arrive every three minutes during peak time, and every six minutes during all other times. The Skyway is connected with the free trolley service to allow even more pinpointed travel downtown.
JTA trolley lines offer transportation flexibility in and around Downtown and in the Beach area. The Bay Street line provides free downtown service on a regular basis.
We've created a custom list of apartments near JTA bus stops that you can use to help kickstart your apartment search.
For more information on fares, routes, and schedules, check out the Jacksonville Transportation Authority's website.
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