Jacksonville is home to many military families so finding a military apartment to fit your needs should be a breeze. Residents can find plenty of apartments in Jacksonville that provide those desired criteria from rent cost, number of bedrooms, pet-friendly options, and whether or not they offer a sports amenities on the property. You can use our easy apartment search guide at RentJax.com for Military Housing where you can style your apartment search by the criteria that you prefer: number of bedrooms, location, lease length, and amenities, just to name a few. Click on “Find Your Apartment” and go down on the left where it says “Sports and Fitness”. If you click on that you can specify which sports amenities you'd like in your new community in Jacksonville. Some common options are basketball courts, volleyball courts, racquetball courts, or tennis courts. Once you choose the sports amenities, and you can do that by clicking on the circle under “Yes” for each of the sports amenities that peak your interest, RentJax.com for Military Housing will populate the options of the apartments in Jacksonville that have what you have requested. At this time you can also choose any other specifications you would like in your Jacksonville apartment.
Additionally, if you want your place to be close the beach to be able to go for a run or play football, Frisbee, or sand volleyball or close to an activity that is off property use the easy apartment search guide again on the RentJax.com for Military Housing homepage go down on the left to where it says “Distance from my location” and put in the address of the beach, gym, or place you'd like to be close to your apartment. After you put in an address, move the bar underneath and choose the amount of miles you'd like to be from that location to make it easy to get there and back by whichever means of transportation you choose. The apartment search guide should populate options for your new home within that mileage from the specified location.
Once you've decreased your options based on your selections, take a look at the options of Jacksonville apartments that remain: where they are located, what they offer, and their rent costs. Upon reviewing them, select the one in Jacksonville that is going to be the most appropriate for your active military lifestyle. Now that you have handpicked a few or maybe just one: call them up, find out what specials, if any, they offer, schedule a tour, and then make your final decision. Good Luck with your search!
These are the opinions of writers and not the opinions of RentJax.com or any of our advertising partners.